Exchange rates – daily bulletins
Concept: Daily bulletin time series available since 2/1/2002, for the Euro, and since 28/11/1984, for the other currencies. For the American Dollar, this data set shows... -
STR Participants List
This table, which is updated daily by the Banco Central do Brasil, contains the list of all Sistema de Transferência de Reservas – STR (Reserves Transfer System) participating... -
Balance Sheets (Financial Institutions and Conglomerates)
Description The balance sheet files are provided monthly or quarterly, depending on the financial institution type. They contain the Balance Sheet for financial institutions... -
Cash in Circulation
Daily records of the quantities of banknotes and coins in circulation (commemorative coins are not included). The information is separated by type (banknote or coin), series and... -
American Dollar (bid and offer) – daily rates
Available since 28/11/1984, this data set shows administered rates until March, 1990 and free rates from then on (Resolution 1690/1990). Administered rates are those set by the... -
Portfolio investment - Net incurrence of liabilities - monthly - inflows
Concept: Portfolio investment is divided in assets and liabilities. Portfolio investment assets are transactions and positions realized through capital or debt securities,... -
Number of correspondents of financial institutions in Brazil
Concept: Number of correspondents of financial institutions in Brazil Source: Information System on Entities Related to the BCB -
Publication of holidays and institutions authorized to operate in the Local...
It is only allowed to register operations in the SML on business days, defined in regulation, and by financial institutions authorized to operate in the system. Since SML is a... -
List of financial institutions authorized to operate at CCR.
The Agreement on Reciprocal Payments and Credits - CCR was signed on August 25, 1982, under the Latin American Integration Association - Aladi. This dataset lists the financial... -
Credit operations outstanding by economic activity - Wholesale trade sector
Concept: -- to be defined -- Source: Central Bank of Brazil - Statistics Department -
SPB (Brazilian Payment System) timetable
This table shows the operating hours during which messages from the Catálogo de Serviços do Sistema Financeiro Nacional (National Financial System´s Service Catalogue),... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - microenterprise - nonearmarked credit - Project financing. It does not include agricultural... -
Average term to maturity of nonearmarked new credit operations - Households...
Concept: Average time between new credit operation date and final payment date. Refers to credit with interest rates established under market conditions. Excludes operations... -
Average interest rate by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: Average interest rate of credit operations with prefixed interest rates by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit -... -
Exchange Locations
List of locations to purchase and sell foreign currency, using information willingly provided by institutions authorized by the Central Bank to operate in the foreign exchange... -
Number of active credit cards
Concept: Number of active credit cards. At the end of each quarter, cards are considered active when there is a history of transactions over the previous 12 months. Source:... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds - individual...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit - rural credit Source: Central Bank of Brazil - Department of... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - nonearmarked credit - Real estate financing (except housing) Source:... -
Household debt without mortgage loans
Concept: Household debt service ratio – Expected household debt payments to disposable income ratio as a quarterly moving average, seasonally adjusted. Household debt... -
Nonearmarked credit operations outstanding - Households - Vehicles and other...
Concept: Outstanding balance of credit operations portfolio in the end of a period, with interest rates established under market conditions. Excludes operations with regulated...