Exchange rates – daily bulletins
Concept: Daily bulletin time series available since 2/1/2002, for the Euro, and since 28/11/1984, for the other currencies. For the American Dollar, this data set shows... -
Balance Sheets (Financial Institutions and Conglomerates)
Description The balance sheet files are provided monthly or quarterly, depending on the financial institution type. They contain the Balance Sheet for financial institutions... -
Central Bank Economic Activity Index
Concept: Contemporary monthly indicator of national economic activity. Source: Central Bank of Brazil – Department of Economics -
List of financial institutions authorized to operate at CCR.
The Agreement on Reciprocal Payments and Credits - CCR was signed on August 25, 1982, under the Latin American Integration Association - Aladi. This dataset lists the financial... -
STR Participants List
This table, which is updated daily by the Banco Central do Brasil, contains the list of all Sistema de Transferência de Reservas – STR (Reserves Transfer System) participating... -
Household debt
Concept: Household debt service ratio – Expected household debt payments to disposable income ratio as a quarterly moving average, seasonally adjusted. Household debt... -
Total value of transactions with debt card
Concept: Total value of transactions with debt card Source: Central Bank of Brazil – Department of Banking Operations and Payments System -
Number of electronic service outposts of financial institutions in the...
Concept: Number of electronic service outposts of financial institutions in the Central-West region Source: Information System on Entities Related to the BCB -
Broad national consumer price index (IPCA) - Diffusion index
Concept: Share of IPCA subitems with positive change in the month. Source: Central Bank of Brazil – Department of Economics -
Central Bank Economic Activity Index (IBC-Br) - seasonally adjusted
Concept: Contemporary monthly indicator of national economic activity. Source: Central Bank of Brazil – Department of Economics -
Nonearmarked credit operations outstanding - Non-financial corporations -...
Concept: Outstanding balance of credit operations portfolio in the end of a period, with interest rates established under market conditions. Excludes operations with regulated... -
Number of active credit cards
Concept: Number of active credit cards. At the end of each quarter, cards are considered active when there is a history of transactions over the previous 12 months. Source:... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit - Other loans Source: Central Bank of Brazil... -
Credit operations outstanding of individuals registered as MEI by type of...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding of individuals registered as MEI by type of credit - Working capital with maturity of more than 365 days Source: Central Bank of Brazil -... -
Statistical Data - Securities, Derivatives and Foreign Exchange Settlement Systems
This dataset shows the daily average of the quantity and value of primary and secondary markets settled in SELIC, CETIP and BM&FBOVESPA Clearinghouse and the total quantity... -
American Dollar (bid and offer) – daily rates
Available since 28/11/1984, this data set shows administered rates until March, 1990 and free rates from then on (Resolution 1690/1990). Administered rates are those set by the... -
Exchange rate - Free - United States dollar (buy)
Concept: For the sake of time series organization, exchange rates have been grouped in two segments: I – Administered or free rates, covering the whole period since 1899, and II... -
Nonearmarked new operations - Non-financial corporations - Other...
Concept: Value of new credit operations started in the reference period, with interest rates established under market conditions. Excludes operations with regulated rates,... -
Current account - monthly - debit
Concept: Current account is divided on the following items: Balance on goods, Services, Primary Income and Secondary Income. Source: Central Bank of Brazil – Department of... -
Portfolio investment - Net incurrence of liabilities - monthly - net
Concept: Portfolio investment is divided in assets and liabilities. Portfolio investment assets are transactions and positions realized through capital or debt securities,...