Portfolio investment - Net incurrence of liabilities - monthly - inflows
Concept: Portfolio investment is divided in assets and liabilities. Portfolio investment assets are transactions and positions realized through capital or debt securities,... -
Number of correspondents of financial institutions in Brazil
Concept: Number of correspondents of financial institutions in Brazil Source: Information System on Entities Related to the BCB -
Credit operations outstanding by economic activity - Wholesale trade sector
Concept: -- to be defined -- Source: Central Bank of Brazil - Statistics Department -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - microenterprise - nonearmarked credit - Project financing. It does not include agricultural... -
Average term to maturity of nonearmarked new credit operations - Households...
Concept: Average time between new credit operation date and final payment date. Refers to credit with interest rates established under market conditions. Excludes operations... -
Average interest rate by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: Average interest rate of credit operations with prefixed interest rates by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit -... -
Number of active credit cards
Concept: Number of active credit cards. At the end of each quarter, cards are considered active when there is a history of transactions over the previous 12 months. Source:... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds - individual...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit - rural credit Source: Central Bank of Brazil - Department of... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - nonearmarked credit - Real estate financing (except housing) Source:... -
Household debt without mortgage loans
Concept: Household debt service ratio – Expected household debt payments to disposable income ratio as a quarterly moving average, seasonally adjusted. Household debt... -
Nonearmarked credit operations outstanding - Households - Vehicles and other...
Concept: Outstanding balance of credit operations portfolio in the end of a period, with interest rates established under market conditions. Excludes operations with regulated... -
Credit operations outstanding by state - microenterprise - Roraima
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by state - microenterprise - Roraima Source: Credit Information System -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - nonearmarked credit - Goods financing - other assets Source:... -
Average interest rate of nonearmarked new credit operations - Households -...
Concept: Average interest rate from new credit operations, established under market conditions and taken in the reference period. The rate is weighted by the value of... -
Nonearmarked new operations - Households - Payroll-deducted personal loans - Total
Concept: Value of new credit operations started in the reference period, with interest rates established under market conditions. Excludes operations with regulated rates,... -
Number of banking services outpost of finance companies in the North region
Concept: Number of banking services outpost of finance companies in the North region Source: Information System on Entities Related to the BCB -
Percent of 90 days past due loans of nonearmarked credit operations...
Concept: Share of National Financial System portfolio of nonearmarked credit operations in which there is at least one payment in arrear for over 90 days. Excludes operations... -
Broad national consumer price index (IPCA) - Diffusion index
Concept: Share of IPCA subitems with positive change in the month. Source: Central Bank of Brazil – Department of Economics -
Credit operations outstanding - Households - Total
Concept: Outstanding balance of credit operations portfolio by the National Financial System in the end of a period. Comprises both earmarked and nonearmarked operations.... -
Average remaining maturity of nonearmarked outstanding credit operations -...
Concept: Average remaining time of credit operations portfolio with interest rates established under market conditions. Represents average time until each payment of the...