Nonearmarked new operations - Non-financial corporations - Discount of trade bills
Concept: Value of new credit operations started in the reference period, with interest rates established under market conditions. Excludes operations with regulated rates,... -
Nonearmarked new operations - Non-financial corporations - Total
Concept: Value of new credit operations started in the reference period, with interest rates established under market conditions. Excludes operations with regulated rates,... -
Nonearmarked new operations - Total
Concept: Value of new credit operations started in the reference period, with interest rates established under market conditions. Excludes operations with regulated rates,... -
New operations - Households - Total
Concept: Value of new credit operations started in the reference period by the National Financial System. Comprises both earmarked and nonearmarked operations. Source: Central... -
New operations - Non-financial corporations - Total
Concept: Value of new credit operations started in the reference period by the National Financial System. Comprises both earmarked and nonearmarked operations. Source: Central... -
New operations - Total
Concept: Value of new credit operations started in the reference period by the National Financial System. Comprises both earmarked and nonearmarked operations. Source: Central... -
Earmarked credit operations outstanding - Households - % of GDP
Concept: Ratio of outstanding balance of credit operations by the National Financial System to GDP for 12 months to date, in money value (non-deflated). Source: Central Bank of... -
Earmarked credit operations outstanding - Non-financial corporations - % of GDP
Concept: Ratio of outstanding balance of credit operations by the National Financial System to GDP for 12 months to date, in money value (non-deflated). Source: Central Bank of... -
Earmarked credit operations outstanding - % of GDP
Concept: Ratio of outstanding balance of credit operations by the National Financial System to GDP for 12 months to date, in money value (non-deflated). Source: Central Bank of... -
Nonearmarked credit operations outstanding - Households - % of GDP
Concept: Ratio of outstanding balance of credit operations by the National Financial System to GDP for 12 months to date, in money value (non-deflated). Source: Central Bank of... -
Nonearmarked credit operations outstanding - Non-financial corporations - % of GDP
Concept: Ratio of outstanding balance of credit operations by the National Financial System to GDP for 12 months to date, in money value (non-deflated). Source: Central Bank of... -
Nonearmarked credit operations outstanding - % of GDP
Concept: Ratio of outstanding balance of credit operations by the National Financial System to GDP for 12 months to date, in money value (non-deflated). Source: Central Bank of... -
Credit operations outstanding - Households - % of GDP
Concept: Ratio of outstanding balance of credit operations by the National Financial System to GDP for 12 months to date, in money value (non-deflated). Source: Central Bank of... -
Credit operations outstanding - Non-financial corporations - % of GDP
Concept: Ratio of outstanding balance of credit operations by the National Financial System to GDP for 12 months to date, in money value (non-deflated). Source: Central Bank of... -
Credit operations outstanding - % of GDP
Concept: Ratio of outstanding balance of credit operations by the National Financial System to GDP for 12 months to date, in money value (non-deflated). Source: Central Bank of... -
Earmarked credit operations outstanding - Households - Other earmarked...
Concept: Outstanding balance, in the end of a period, of credit operations which are under regulation by the National Monetary Council (CMN) or linked to budget funds. Refers to... -
Earmarked credit operations outstanding - Households - Microcredit - Total
Concept: Outstanding balance, in the end of a period, of credit operations which are under regulation by the National Monetary Council (CMN) or linked to budget funds. Refers to... -
Earmarked credit operations outstanding - Households - Microcredit - Entrepreneurs
Concept: Outstanding balance, in the end of a period, of credit operations which are under regulation by the National Monetary Council (CMN) or linked to budget funds. Refers to... -
Earmarked credit operations outstanding - Households - Microcredit - Consumers
Concept: Outstanding balance, in the end of a period, of credit operations which are under regulation by the National Monetary Council (CMN) or linked to budget funds. Refers to... -
Earmarked credit operations outstanding - Households - BNDES funds - Total
Concept: Outstanding balance, in the end of a period, of credit operations which are under regulation by the National Monetary Council (CMN) or linked to budget funds. Refers to...