Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Working capital with maturity of 30 days or more... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Working capital with maturity of more than 365 days... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Working capital with maturity of less than 30 days... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Working capital with maturity up to 365 days Source:... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Honored guarantees Source: Credit Information System -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Operational leasing Source: Credit Information System -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Financial leasing - motor vehicles up to 2 ton Source:... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Financial leasing Source: Credit Information System -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Goods financing with intervenience - other assets... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Goods financing - motor vehicles Source: Credit... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Goods financing - other assets Source: Credit... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Discount of credit card bills Source: Credit... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Advances to depositors Source: Credit Information System -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - small-sized enterprise - earmarked credit - Advances on Currency Exchange Contracts (ACCs) Source:... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - microenterprise - nonearmarked credit - Vendor Source: Credit Information System -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - microenterprise - nonearmarked credit - Securities and credit receivables Source: Credit... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - microenterprise - nonearmarked credit - Acquired receivables Source: Credit Information System -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - microenterprise - nonearmarked credit - Other discounted securities Source: Credit Information System -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - microenterprise - nonearmarked credit - Other financing with intervenience Source: Credit... -
Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit -...
Concept: Credit operations outstanding by source of funds and type of credit - microenterprise - nonearmarked credit - Other export financing Source: Credit Information System