Average interest rate by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur...
Concept: Average interest rate of credit operations with prefixed interest rates by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit - not released... -
Average interest rate by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur...
Concept: Average interest rate of credit operations with prefixed interest rates by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit - federal government... -
Average interest rate by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur...
Concept: Average interest rate of credit operations with prefixed interest rates by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit - state funds Source:... -
Average interest rate by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur...
Concept: Average interest rate of credit operations with prefixed interest rates by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit - rural credit... -
Average interest rate by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur...
Concept: Average interest rate of credit operations with prefixed interest rates by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit - Finame - Agência... -
Average interest rate by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur...
Concept: Average interest rate of credit operations with prefixed interest rates by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit - FCO - Fundo... -
Average interest rate by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur...
Concept: Average interest rate of credit operations with prefixed interest rates by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit - BNDES - Banco... -
Average interest rate by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur...
Concept: Average interest rate of credit operations with prefixed interest rates by source of funds - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - earmarked credit - Total Source:... -
Average interest rate - individual microentrepreneur (MEI)
Concept: Average interest rate of credit operations with prefixed interest rates - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) Source: Central Bank of Brazil - Department of Financial... -
90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: 90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - nonearmarked credit - Vendor Source: Central Bank of Brazil -... -
90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: 90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - nonearmarked credit - Securities and credit receivables Source:... -
90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: 90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - nonearmarked credit - Acquired receivables Source: Central Bank of... -
90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: 90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - nonearmarked credit - Other discounted securities Source: Central... -
90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: 90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - nonearmarked credit - Other financing Source: Central Bank of Brazil... -
90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: 90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - nonearmarked credit - Other loans Source: Central Bank of Brazil -... -
90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: 90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - nonearmarked credit - Other discounted credit rights Source: Central... -
90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: 90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - nonearmarked credit - Credit card - revolving credit Source: Central... -
90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: 90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - nonearmarked credit - Personal loan Source: Central Bank of Brazil -... -
90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: 90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - nonearmarked credit - Personal loan - Payroll-deducted Source:... -
90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual...
Concept: 90 days past due loans by source of funds and type of credit - individual microentrepreneur (MEI) - nonearmarked credit - Guaranteed overdraft account Source: Central...