Secondary income - monthly - credit

Concept: Secondary income, previously “unilateral transferences”, has its name adjusted to the National Accounts and presents the income generated in one economy and distributed to another. It divides transferences in two components: government and other sectors. In the former are registered current taxes on income, contributions and social benefits, current international cooperation and other current government transfers. Meanwhile, in the latter are personal transfers (current transfers between resident and nonresident families) and other current transfers.

Source: Central Bank of Brazil – Department of Economics

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value

Author Central Bank of Brazil/Department of Economics
Maintainer Central Bank of Brazil/Department of Economics
Temporal Coverage From 01-01-1995
Periodicity monthly

The balance of payments’ historical series are available at

VCGE Category

Economia []

Last Updated May 3, 2019, 14:31 (-0300)
Created July 31, 2017, 20:23 (-0300)

SGS data

Field Value
SGS Type Monthly time series
Unit of measure Million US dollars
SGS code 22839