Portfolio investment - Debt securities - monthly - inflows

Concept: Portfolio investment is divided in assets and liabilities.

Portfolio investment assets are transactions and positions realized through capital or debt securities, distinct from those included in direct investment or reserve assets. Flows constituted by the issue of credit securities commonly traded in secondary markets. It is divided in two main instruments: equity and investment fund shares; and debt securities.

Equity and investment fund shares comprise all registers and instruments that recognize the creditors’ rights to the residual value of the company, once all creditors’ rights are liquidated.

Debt securities are debt instruments require payments of interest or principal on a future moment. The debt instruments that can be traded in secondary markets affect this account. Securities with maturity inferior to one year are considered short term securities. Those of longer maturity are defined as long term securities.

Portfolio investments liabilities are transactions and positions realized through capital or debt securities, distinct from those included in direct investment. Flows constituted by the issue of credit securities commonly traded in secondary markets. It is divided in two main instruments: equity and investment fund shares; and debt securities.

Equity and investment fund shares comprises all registers and instruments that recognize the creditors’ right to the residual value of the company, once all creditors’ rights are liquidated.

Debt securities are debt instruments require payments of interest or principal on a future moment. The debt instruments that can be traded in secondary markets affect this account. Securities with maturity inferior to one year are considered short term securities. Those of longer maturity are defined as long term securities.

Source: Central Bank of Brazil – Department of Economics

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source https://www3.bcb.gov.br/sgspub/consultarvalores/consultarValoresSeries.do?method=consultarGraficoPorId&hdOidSeriesSelecionadas=22940
Author Central Bank of Brazil/Department of Economics
Maintainer Central Bank of Brazil/Department of Economics
Last Updated May 3, 2019, 14:32 (BRT)
Created July 31, 2017, 20:23 (BRT)
VCGE category

Economia [http://vocab.e.gov.br/2011/03/vcge#economia]

Temporal Coverage From 01-01-1995
Periodicity monthly

The balance of payments’ historical series are available at http://www.bcb.gov.br/estatisticas/notasmetodologicas.

SGS data

Field Value
SGS type Monthly time series
Unit of measure Million US dollars
SGS code 22940