Average interest rate of new non-revolving credit operations - Non-financial corporations - Total

Concept: Average interest rate from new operations started in the reference period. The rate is weighted by the value of operations. Comprises both earmarked and nonearmarked operations.

Source: Central Bank of Brazil � Statistics Department

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value


Author Central Bank of Brazil/Department of Statistics
Maintainer Central Bank of Brazil/Department of Statistics
Temporal Coverage From 03-01-2011
Periodicity monthly

www.bcb.gov.br/?OPERATIONS www3.bcb.gov.br/sgspub/

VCGE Category

Pol�tica Econ�mica [http://vocab.e.gov.br/2011/03/vcge#politica-economica], Sistema Financeiro [http://vocab.e.gov.br/2011/03/vcge#sistema-financeiro], Informa��es Estat�sticas [http://vocab.e.gov.br/2011/03/vcge#informacoes-estatisticas]

Last Updated May 3, 2019, 15:28 (-0300)
Created June 20, 2018, 14:22 (-0300)

SGS data

Field Value
SGS Type Monthly time series
Unit of measure Percentage per year
SGS code 27624